Truck Ride Chatting
I was on a summer picnic with my boss, Tommy, his wife, Susie, and their son, Tommy Jr. at Susie's parents' lake property. After a day of cooking out and diving off of the end of the dock and swimming in the lake, it was time to head back to their house in Plant City.

I was going to follow Tommy and Susie because I had driven my truck. Tommy Jr. and his little school friend both yelled, "We want to ride with Lynn!" So they did. I guess they were around ten.

On the way to Plant City I was trying to think of conversation to have with the two boys, me not at all being into video games and things like that. I remember, because they both lived in Plant City, that I told them Plant City's original name was Ikkapuccasassa, pronounced: ( Icka - pucka - sassa. ), which is an Indian word. It actually conveys an entire thought which means, "place where flowers bloom and many peace pipes are smoked."

After that, I thought of a neat guessing game we could play. Tommy Jr. and I knew that he and I shared the same birthday, December 21st. It's the Winter Solstice and the shortest day of the year. I always wondered if I enjoyed winter so much because I was born on the first day of winter. I told his friend that there was something that Tommy Jr. and I had in common and asked if he could guess what it was. After a while of guessing and passing the time with nice conversation, he came up empty, so we told him what it was. And he said, "That's MY birthday!" and it was. Now, I ask you, what are the chances of three people riding down the road in a pickup truck, two of them strangers, and serendipitously they would all have the same birthday? Interesting.

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