The Mystery Cake

One Sunday at work at Busch Gardens Margo and I were just returning from lunch. As we walked into the Graphics Department we looked across the room to the open door of my office on the other side. I didn't spend much time in there because we both did all of our art projects in the large room we had just entered. The light was turned off in there but we could see that someone had left a medium-sized round cake with chocolate icing on my desk.

We couldn't imagine why it was there or who left it. We examined it all over from very close range. You'd think we were trying to memorize what it looked like. It smelled incredible! It was all decorated in chocolate but there was no writing. Not a clue. The top was generously sprinkled with little chocolate morsels that are about twice the size of a BB. Margo said, "I'm going to taste one of these little things," as she ever so carefully with her thumb and index finger removed one of the tiny morsels from the top of the cake and popped it into her mouth.

I, of course, had to have one, too. As careful as Margo had been, I picked the one of my choice. It was difficult to take it without leaving a mark in the cake. Very slowly. All of a sudden I heard, "CAREFUL!" It was Margo yelling as she pushed down on my elbow, shoving my entire hand into the top of the cake. We didn't know what to do. She said, "I couldn't help myself. You were being SO careful." It was funny and awful at the same time. Like getting tickled in church and not being able to stop laughing.

Oh my God! What are we gonna do? Whose cake is it anyway? I went into the Graphics Room and got one of those wooden paint stir sticks, a new one that hadn't been used. I tried the best I could to smooth the cake out but it looked like a firecracker had gone off inside of it and someone had tried to repair it. It reminded me of the bar-b-cue pit that Lucy and Ethel took apart and put back together while the cement was still wet, looking for Lucy's lost wedding ring. I thought, maybe someone had left it for me and I didn't have to worry about it looking like it did.

At the end of the day while everybody was still at work, our secretary got a call from Elaine College, the head of the Entertainment Department. She said she had left a cake in one of the offices for her son, Shawn. Shawn was one of our zoo seasonal workers in our department for the summer. That day was his birthday and Elaine had brought the cake for him and all the other zoo employees as a surprise. Well, I can assure you that he and everyone else certainly were surprised.

"What the heck happened to this cake?" We all looked at each other with inquisitive expressions and said, "I don't know."

Someone found a regular table knife to cut and serve the cake and we didn't even have to use a stir stick. The cake was really delicious despite its appearance and no one ever knew what had happened to it.

Lash Out Loud